Rules Relating To Pupils
Parents and guardians are earnestly asked to co-operate with the school Authorities and see that their children or wards are on the assembly ground 15 minutes before the first warning bell. All the students-must be clean and tidy in their person, dress and manners. Parents are requested to send their children to school tidily dressed. They should always keep their books clean and neatly covered with names written on them.
Books should be provided within one week from the opening of the school.
Pupils are forbidden to leave the school premises without the special permission of the Principal. It is important that all pupils come to school neatly dressed wearing their complete uniform as follows: Boys : Navy Blue Pants & Sky Blue Shirts.
Girls : Navy Blue divided Skirt & Sky Blue Blouses.
All should wear black canvas shoes and black socks and girls should wear black hair bands, ribbons & Tights blue. Students are expected to wear navy blue sweators in cold Weather.
After the morning assembly, the pupils led by the monitors, proceed to their respective classrooms in perfect order and in silence.
The supervising monitor must pay particular attention to the rule that no talking or moving about is allowed during the change over of periods. In the absence of teacher he/she will be responsible for order and discipline.
During the recess, the supervising monitor should see that no one remains in the class room and no one leaves the school premises without permission. For the purpose of refreshments, the school has its own canteen on the premises.
Students are not allowed to move around along the corridors during class hours without teacher’s note. For breach of the school rules, a pupil may be fined or otherwise punished at the discretion of the Principal. Pupils are made to realise that they are responsible to the school authorities not only for their conduct in the school but also for their general behaviour outside (G.I.A.C. 1956 for Sec. School Rules 56).
The following students may be sent home.
Those without school calendar
Those who are not properly dressed in the school uniform.
Those who do not comply with the school regulations.
An absentee must, on return to school, produce a letter from his parents or guardians duly explaining the cause of absence. The school disclaims all responsibility, if through failure to produce such a certificate, a student is sent home during school hours.
All students should be particularly careful not to litter in the school premises. They should use the bins specially provided for the purpose in the classrooms and outside.
No articles that are liable to be a source of disturbance may be brought into the school premises without the Principal’s sanction.
No money collection for any purpose whatsoever be made in the school without the previous sanction of the Principal.
Presents or other means of appreciation to teachers also require previous sanction from the Principal. The school is not responsible for books, money etc. lost by students.
Every student should endeavour to keep up the standard of the school by excelling in good manners and deportment.
Although the school is not responsible for the behaviour of its students outside its premises, due notice will be taken of reports of misbehaviour and disciplinary action will be taken against them if the report is substantiated on proper enquiry.
Irregular attendance in the school, habitual laziness, disobedience, dishonesty or conduct injurious to the moral tone of the school inside or outside the school are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of a student.
Any damage done in the class or the school property has to be made good by those responsible for the damage. Pupils must take care of the equipment that has been lent for their use.
The School authorities will not be responsible for the loss, damage or robbery of pupil’s belongings. It is not advisable for the pupil to carry money or valuables to the school.
No Pupil shall be exempted from extracurricular activities such as singing, dancing, games and sports, gardening etc. unless a medical certificate is produced from a qualified doctor showing valid reasons for the students abstinence.
Pupils of this school are strictly forbidden to buy anything from the street hawkers. No child should leave the school premises during short recess.
A candidate who joins fresh or from a private school has to produce an Original Birth Certificate such as Municipal Birth Certificate in support of the date of birth entered in the Admission form.